There can be many reasons why you have that email back saying you have been unsuccessful. As Fundraisers getting use to failure is a must, currently for each successful grant you will need to submit another 5 that are rejected.
I have heard from Funding Officers who have explained they had no issues with the application at all, it was the fact that there was stronger applications and they had a limited amount of funds to distribute. Sometimes accept that rather than a "no" it is more a "not now"!
However, many applications are bound to fail as some "simple" mistakes have been made. Below are the main reasons applications will have been received:
You applied for a grant which you were not eligible for. If they say your turnover must be below £250,000 don't apply if last years accounts showed turnover of £300,000.
You ask for too much or too little. Understand what the likely grant range is, and stick with it. Read the Guidance and check previous years grants awarded.
Your budgeted costs doesn't add up. A quick way to rejection. If you can't add up then funders will be not have confidence you will use their funds well.
Using too much jargon and using acronyms, don't assume the funders knows about your charity.
You have not clearly explained what you will use the grant for, and what difference it will make.
You apply for costs you have already incurred. Most grants will not be for past costs, be clear the timeline of the project and that it fits with the funders timeline.
Finally, always read the Guidance and if possible take up the offer to discuss your application with the Funding Officer.
Good luck.