If you are a charity or non profit organization you need to ensure you have your annual accounts checked independently each year by a qualified professional. This gives the public, funders and your own committee/trustees the peace of mind that your organisations finances are well run and show that the charity is operating as it should do.

We can help your organization achieve this by offering an Independent Examination of accounts to Charities who have an income level of less than £250,000 (on a Receipts and Payments
or Accruals basis) by our company who are members
of the Association of Charity Independent Examiners, (A.C.I.E).

We are Perthshires only professional Independent Examiner
affiliated to ACIE .We will ensure you have a professional looking
Annual Report for OSCR and funders. We will give full assurance that
none of the typical mistakes are found in your Annual Accounts.
Our process includes: Meeting with trustees, planning dates and
reference material, preparation ofaccounts, preparation of trustees
report, independent examiners report and submission of return.
If you are not a registered charity we can still assist you as we are
happy to offer the same service that we do to charities.
Project: CSCEP - Independent Examination
1. Met with charity officials to discuss organisation
and agree the process.
2. Confirm the IE planning framework and background
information required.
3. Undertake trial balance and bank reconciliations
before preparing accounts.
4. Prepare Trustees Report.
5. Prepare Receipts and Payments, Balances and
Notes for Annual Report.
6. Prepare Independent Examiners Report.
7. Make submissions of Annual Report to
OSCR as required.
8. Attend AGM if required.
“Colin has acted as Central Scotland Chinese Elderly Project’s (CSCEP ) External Examiner for the past six years. In that time
he has diligently and competently examined CSCEP’s financial accounts with integrity. As CSCEP is a Scottish Charity, it’s
annual financial returns are mandatory and sent to OSCR to be recorded and posted online on OSCR’s website. I have no hesitation in recommending Colin Crawford to other groups and charities for their financial accounts to be externally examined by him. " Sherry B Macintosh Elderly Project (CSCEP).