We are often asked the questions below by new clients.
See our blog for further help and advice regarding the latest up to date funding requirements for non profit
and charitable organisations.

Do you own the final application?
The application pepared will only be sent once your organisation
has authorised it. The application will be your property.
I will send you an electronic file and also a hard copy.
What happens if you don't think we can apply for any grants?
I will as part of my free consultation undertake a health check on
your organisations readiness to apply for grant funding. I would
hope to know very quickly that you are unlikely to have a low
probablility to be successful. In that situation there would be no charge.
Do you charge commission on any funding you secure for us?
Definately not, its bad practice for fundraisers to base
their fees on a commission basis.
Our pricing will be based on a fixed quote for standard services.
if we understand the bid will be complex and more challenging than
the standard service we will base our fees on an hourly basis.
Can you guarantee to secure grant funding for us?
Unfortunately not, no fundraiser can make guarantees such as that.
However we will undertake reasonable due diligence to make sure
you will have the best opportunity poosible to have successful bids.
We do not want to burden your organisation with fees unless we
feel you will make a financial gain worth the risk.
"I have found Colin Crawford Associates to be efficient, effective
& responsive to our grant funding needs. In the past, our grant funding efforts were managed in-house, resulting in a large expenditure of time & resources. When we started to use CCA, those efforts were more focused & closely aligned to our strategic requirements. I would have no hesitation in recommending CCA ,as a grant funding advisor for a charity such as ours. Excellent value for money."
Bill Thow Treasurer Comrie Development Trust
“Thank you very much on behalf of the trustees of Madderty Community Association. Your grant advice and support turned out to be 100% correct and we have now received funds following our successful grant application. This will make a huge difference to Madderty hall’s year and will mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on our community. Without your help, we would not have known that this was available to us.”
Alex Haddow Chair, Madderty Community Association
If you are a charity or non profit organization you need to ensure you have your annual accounts checked independently each year by a qualified professional.

What services do you provide as my Independent Examiner ?
We provide a full robust service. We need to understand your
organisation an ensure your Annual Report includes all the information
required by Charity Law and Regulations. To do this we will:
1. Meet with charity officials to discuss your organisation and
agree the process.
2. Confirm the IE planning framework and background
information required.
3. Undertake trial balance and bank reconciliations before
preparing accounts.
4. Prepare your Trustees Report.
5. Prepare Receipts and Payments, Balances and Notes for Annual Report.
6. Prepare Independent Examiners Report.
7. Make submissions of your Annual Report to OSCR if required.
8. Attend your AGM if required.
What are your fees for undertaking an Independent Examination ?
Our fees will be based on the level of work and time we feel the IE will take. This will be confirmed following our free initial consultation with you. We will send you a "letter of engagement" for our services with a quote for a set fee.
The fee is likely to be between £100 and £480 per IE.
Additional supplementary work will be based at £150 per day plus expenses.
“Colin has acted as Central Scotland Chinese Elderly Project’s (CSCEP ) External Examiner for the past six years. In that time
he has diligently and competently examined CSCEP’s financial accounts with integrity. As CSCEP is a Scottish Charity, it’s
annual financial returns are mandatory and sent to OSCR to be recorded and posted online on OSCR’s website. I have no hesitation in recommending Colin Crawford to other groups and charities for their financial accounts to be externally examined by him. " Sherry B Macintosh Elderly Project (CSCEP).