We offer expert consultancy services with a focus on
the charity sector, ranging from strategic consultancy
to detailed hands on project management and delivery.

Colin works with a team of associates covering the following areas:
Business Plans for social enterprises and projects
Feasibility Studies
Support for funding applications
Project Management
Governance review and development
Community fundraising planning
Events development and business planning
Business plan review and evaluation
Policy development

"Colin conducted a thorough feasibility study for us,
enabling us to move forward with the development of
Crieff Connexions; he has real knowledge of the local
community and an ability to connect with and for people."
Elizabeth Philip, Chair - Crieff Connexions (SC051160)
Project: Crieff ConneXions - Business Consultancy
Following a Feasibility Study we undertook during 2020
Crieff ConneXions are now busy delivering a range of activities
and services to locals, including a befriending service,
school uniform bank, counselling and signposting etc.
As part of the feasibility report we provided:
Future governance and best legal structure;
Research information, case studies and a needs analysis
Business plan;
Financial plans and funding options;
Options appraisal for location;
Potential partners and services;
Project timeline